My works are presented here. Stay tuned on Facebook and Instagram All Paintings Works for sale Paintings Dancing dragons Paintings Our beautiful planet Paintings Black Madonna Paintings Roman series 4 Paintings Roman series 3 Paintings Öland my power source Paintings Öland- Rain in work Paintings Mummy Paintings Roman series 2 Paintings Untitled 2006 Paintings Portals to what? Paintings Untitled Paintings Where is freedom Paintings Matriarchal leadership Paintings The fall of Atlantis Paintings The window to the soul Paintings My inner Buddha Paintings Deep in the ocean of my feelings Paintings My path to ????????? Paintings Urdhvayoni Paintings Roman series 1 Paintings Go into new space Paintings The beauty of my feelings Paintings Seagull and her egg in the ocean Paintings The magic of life Paintings Dynamics of feelings and pure rejoicing Paintings Greek series no 2 Paintings Greek series no 1 Paintings Cosmic vagina Paintings Beautiful mind Load More Loading More… You’ve reached the end of the list